Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Mile Marker 80
It was a beautiful July morning when we started out. It was my first bike ride that was longer than 15 miles. Through out the day we (me, my dad and our good friend Jim) would ride a total of 111 miles around Utah Lake. Little did I know that I would be learning many hard, but important lessons that day.
There were many different parts of that ride that will never be forgotten. But one in particular that will always be imprinted in my memory. It had been a long, but good, day of riding up and down hills, stopping at aide stations and refueling, and then getting back on the bike. We hit mile marker 80 and that's when the real test started.
We found ourselves once again climbing hills. The only difference this time was after you finished climbing one hill, another one would start. On top of that we found that we were fighting a pretty bad head wind (between 15-20 mph). I remember watching my dad pull away and disappear into the distance. Feeling helpless and completely unprepared there was no way I could keep up with him.
So many thoughts were running through my head, "How did I get myself into this? Why didn't I prepare more? Can I even finish this?". I felt my pace slow and warm tears flow down my face. Many others passed trying to encourage me to stay on the bike and to finish strong. But I just didn't feel like I could do it. My strength was spent, I felt alone, abandoned, unprepared, and inadequate. It was just too much, I couldn't do it...I just couldn't do it.....
A hand, gentle but firm, touched my back and gave me a push. I had forgotten that our friend Jim was riding behind me. I had never been alone. Someone was always there by my side. It wasn't a hard push but it was just enough to keep me going. I looked up to see my dad waiting for us at the last rest stop. He embraced me in his arms and whispered my my ear how proud of me he was. With new found energy, my dad in front and Jim behind me we made our way to the finish line. We did it. We finished the race.
What significance does this story hold? Why would I still look back after 8 years and remember this experience? What lessons did I learn? When ever we feel on the verge on giving up or that we are alone, inadequate, and unprepared. There is hope. We have a loving Heavenly Father who sent His son, Jesus Christ, to help us, to be there for us. In the good times in the bad times, they are always with us. When we feel we can't go any further and that it's time to give up. We can feel the gentle touch of our Savior, encouraging us to never give up and to let us know that He is and always has been there.
I am not perfect and I don't know everything, but I do know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. We may not always feel of His presence, but He will never leave us, especially when we need him the most.
With Love,
Sister Boatright
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
There is No Such Thing as the End
...I didn't believe it as first, I thought someone was playing a joke. Slowly yet surely the reality struck. My dear friend, Sister Samantha Lierley has moved on. The next couple of hours were a blur, between tears, hugs, singing and testimonies; the spirit was so strong, comforting and supporting me in this hour of need. God does not do random. In those few hours spent among the other Sisters, I could feel my Saviors arms around me as I struggled to comprehend what really had just happened. I also learn some very important things that I knew, but now I really know.
"Our Heavenly Father...knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trails through which we must pass." - President Monson
The news we received yesterday has to be one of the biggest trial I have faced out here on my mission. My eyes have been opened to the reality of life, and also the to enabling power of Christ atonement. Because of Him, there is no such thing as the end. Our loved ones may have passed on, but this is not the last time that we will see them. Christ broke the bands of death and we will one again be reunited with those that we love and miss. Also we are never alone. Christ has promised us, "I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" and I know that He stands by His promises.
Christ not only suffered for our sins, but He also suffered for our infirmities. Or our pains, our sorrows, our hurt, what ever it is that we have felt, are feeling, or will eventually feel. He has been through it before. He can hold us in His arms and comfort us in these times of need. I know this is true because I have felt it. Yesterday when I needed Him, He was there. Through the actions of so many different Sisters I was comforted and strengthened.
"And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities." - Alma 7:12
Christ lives! I know that He lives and that He is there for each and everyone of us. I felt His loving embrace yesterday multiple times. Our times is so short here on this earth. So remember "Be a little kinder, hold your loved ones a little closer, tell them you love them more often, do not take for granted the time you have, remember contention is useless, commit to do all you can today to follow Jesus Christ" because we never know how much time we really have.
-With Love,
Sister Boatright
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Who am I?
A blog a blog, whose idea was it to start a blog. Well, I can tell ya it wasn't mine to begin with, but I am grateful that I did. I never thought that I personally would ever start a blog. Not that blogs are a bad thing in any way shape or form. I personally have never been good with typing/writing anything I'm thinking. Usually it comes out all jumbled. But I decided to take on a new challenge and we will see if it comes out all jumbled.
As of right now I'm currently serving as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also nicknamed the Mormons). We have been given the opportunity to share and teach the gospel online (aka, facebook and blogging etc.). This is really cool because I not only have this opportunity to share and teach the gospel. But this is an amazing opportunity for me to personally learn and grow. Teaching has never been one of my strong points, but I have noticed that as I have tried my best to align my will with God's that things I only dreamed of doing have become reality.
My main purpose for this blog is to be able to help others come closer Christ by sharing the growing experiences that I do have while on my mission. There is so much to be learned while serving a mission. Honestly, a mission is hard. I have definitely had days where I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry till I fell asleep. So why do I still continue to serve? Because as I continue to teach I continue to learn, and one of the greatest lessons that I am always learning is how to better lean on our Savior Jesus Christ. Everyday I feel His love more and more. I come to know Him better and the best part is living as He did. As we serve others, I remember Him. As we teach those who will listen, we can feel His presence and His love. This is why. He lives and He loves us. I'm am only a tool. Heavenly Father works through me to help bring His children home. So please if you have questions ask them, we were not placed on this earth to wander around aimlessly. There is a plan, and we will be guided as we search with an open mind and heart.
Sister Boatright
As of right now I'm currently serving as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also nicknamed the Mormons). We have been given the opportunity to share and teach the gospel online (aka, facebook and blogging etc.). This is really cool because I not only have this opportunity to share and teach the gospel. But this is an amazing opportunity for me to personally learn and grow. Teaching has never been one of my strong points, but I have noticed that as I have tried my best to align my will with God's that things I only dreamed of doing have become reality.
My main purpose for this blog is to be able to help others come closer Christ by sharing the growing experiences that I do have while on my mission. There is so much to be learned while serving a mission. Honestly, a mission is hard. I have definitely had days where I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry till I fell asleep. So why do I still continue to serve? Because as I continue to teach I continue to learn, and one of the greatest lessons that I am always learning is how to better lean on our Savior Jesus Christ. Everyday I feel His love more and more. I come to know Him better and the best part is living as He did. As we serve others, I remember Him. As we teach those who will listen, we can feel His presence and His love. This is why. He lives and He loves us. I'm am only a tool. Heavenly Father works through me to help bring His children home. So please if you have questions ask them, we were not placed on this earth to wander around aimlessly. There is a plan, and we will be guided as we search with an open mind and heart.
Sister Boatright
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